maandag 4 december 2017

Cloves #8

Hello everyone!

Todays topic is on plant disease and insects. I will talk about common diseases on clove trees and how they are fought.

The most serious disease affecting clove production is a disease called "Sudden death" (Valsa eugenlae) This disease will affect the clove trees especially during prolonged dry periods. The disease is hard to spot at its first stages. Within this first stage there is a slight chlorosis and firther thinning of the foliage, furthermore the absobtion system is reducted and this is the main reason to the plants death. In the last stage the leafs will fall of the tree, and the leafs will start wilting. 
 (Azhar Ali Farooqi, 2005)

 Many different causes to the disease have been suggested, however this study I was reading blames it on a Pathogenic virus. a virus carried by a lethargic vector is the most probable. Next to this suspicion is attached to a scale insect which is tended and transported by the red tree-ant. Ways to fight the disease is by providing copious irrigation to the trees. 
 (Azhar Ali Farooqi, 2005) (FJ Nutman,1949)

Another disease often being present on clove plantations which has been neglected is: Die back (Cryptosporella eugeniae) This disease is recognised due to dark red spots apearing on both sides of the leafs. This will get worse over time and the spots will increase in size. In the last stage the leafs turn chlorotic and will fall off. The disease is linked with neglected clove plantations due to low soil fertility and weed competition being present there. This disease is fought by spraying the trees with a 1% Bordeaux mixture. (Azhar Ali Farooqi, 2005)

Gerelateerde afbeelding
(Clove tree with symptomes of Die back)


zondag 26 november 2017

Cloves #7

Hello everyone!

Today I will be looking at a topic which is from my own experience one of the most labour intensive work within growing crops. We will be talking about weeds! and weeding, and how to fight it. Firstly I will be talking about what the most common weeds are in clove production, and after that on ways to prevent weeds and fighting it.

What weeds are most common in clove production?

Weeds in clove production don't impose much of a treat as cloves are grown on trees. However in the early stages of the tree growing (First years) it is important to keep the small tree weed free. If this is not done properly the tree will not get enough sunlight & nutrients and this is a critical issue, as there is a chance the tree will die. Further weeding includes the pruning of the trees, if you would leave the trees to grow freely they would become too big and the plantation would get overcrowded. (Agrifarming,2017)

How do you properly protect your clove trees from weeds?

There are many ways to fight weeds for each crop. Within clove production it is important to keep the young trees weed free. A way to do this is by mulching. With mulching you will cover the soil with organic matter, but most common it is to cover the soil with straw or woodchips. Due to the soil being covered, weeds do not get much sunlight and this makes it harder for them to grow. The other (low input) possible options could be weed removel by means of ploughing or digging them out by hand. (Agrifarming,2017)


zondag 19 november 2017

Cloves #6

Hello everyone!
Todays subject will be about soils in Indonesia. Firstly we will talk about the most common soils in Indonesia, and secondly which soil would be best for clove production.
Soils in Indonesia

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor soil indonesia

As you can see in the picture above there are ALOT of different soils in Indonesia. This is due to the vast size of the country, which most people don't realise. The most common soils you will find are:  Andosol, Latosol, Regosol, Rendzina, Lateritic, Litosol, Grumosol, blue Hydromorph, Alluvial and Podsol (Deptan, 1988; Muir, 1996). Especially the Andosols are more fertile and therefore more suitable for agricultural production. Next to the andosols, the Grumosols are also one of the better soils for agriculture, these soils  also have a high Ca content. (Dr. I.m Nitis, 1999)
If you start comparing regions in Indonesia you will see that the inner islands have more fertile and higher based saturation soils, such as the Inceptisols, Mollisols, and Vertisols. The outer islands that are dominated by Ultisols, Oxisols and Histosols, these soils are acid with a low plant nutrient status. Population could be linked to the soil types, as areas with fertile soils have higher population sizes. (FAO,2002)
Best soils for clove production
Deep black loam soil with high humus content found in the forest region is best suited for clove cultivation. Clove trees also grow satisfactorily on laterite soils, clay loams and rich black soils which have good drainage. Sandy soil is not suitable for clove production. (IndiaAgronet,2017), M. (1996). Tanah-tanah utama Indonesia. Karasteristik, klasifikasi dan pemanfaatannya. PT. Dunia Pustaka Jaya, Jakarta. 346 hal.

zondag 8 oktober 2017

Cloves #5

Hello everyone!

Today we will be talking about environmental conditions and agro-ecosystems. Firstly I will explain the climatic conditions in Indonesia, secondly rainfall distribution and how this affects clove production. Our second topic today is irrigation systems on clove plantations.

Climatic conditions in Indonesia

The climate in Indonesia is almost entirely tropical. The uniformly warm waters that surround the country make it that temperatures remain fairly constant ranging from 23 °C in higher mountain areas to 28 °C on the coastal plains
The humidity in the country ranges between 70 to 90 % and wind is fairly moderate. The chances of storms and typhoons are however present in some areas. The different climates in Indonesia are: Tropical rainforests, tropical monsoons and tropical savanna. The areas were most cloves are grown (Spice islands, Moluccas) are part of the tropical rainforest climate. (wiki/Climate_of_Indonesia,2017)

Clove trees require a tropical climate and a warm humid climate having a temperature of around 20 to 30
0C. Humid atmospheric conditions and annual rainfall of 150 to 250 cm are essential. It thrives well in all situations ranging from sea level up to an altitude of 1500 metres and also in places proximal to and away from sea. (IndiaAgro,2017)

Indonesia with its tropical climate, high humidity and high monthly rainfall matches all climatic criteria for good clove growing conditions.

Irrigation of clove plantations

Irrigation is only needed in the first 3 years of growing in areas were pronounced drought is experienced, simple pot watering is used normally in those situations. Furthermore there are irrigation techniques such as: placing a bamboo tube 20cm underground directly towards the roots and irrigate the tree like that for most efficient water use. Indonesia with its high monthly rainfall won’t need to irrigate much extra, except in long dry periods. Although the trees can survive without irrigation in these dry periods, it is advantageous to irrigate the trees for proper growth and yield. (IndiaAgro,2017)


zondag 1 oktober 2017

Cloves #4

Hello everyone! 

Today I will be talking about whether cloves are self-pollinating & cross-pollinating. And secondly I will discuss the use of transgenic plants in agriculture.

First of all, what is the difference between self-pollinating plants and cross-pollinating plants?

Self-pollination occurs when plants are able to pollinate themselves. These plants are usually genetically Homozygous. So this is either AA or bb. Self-pollinated plants are considered as “pure line variety” in reproduction while cross-pollinated plants are not a pure line. Cross pollination occurs when pollen of one plants fertilizes the ovule of another plant. (Watts, 2017)

Cloves are considered to be self-pollinating plants in Indonesia. However the clove tree has little flowers which are attractive to bees and other insects, these are responsible for the pollination. This makes cloves also a cross-pollinated plant. (Weiss, 2002)
 (Goebel, 1988)

Gerelateerde afbeelding

The use of transgenic plants in agriculture.

I personally am of opinion that there is nothing wrong with the use of transgenic plants. Most people around the world are scared for the unknown, and the benefits of transgenic plants are unclear to most consumers. Cross-breeding has occurred many times in history and it is not something completely new to us humans. However next to the positive aspects of for instance: Better yields, disease tolerant crops and taste/looks. I understand the fear of losing biodiversity and variety.


zondag 24 september 2017

Cloves #3

Hello everyone!

Welcome to the third edition of my blog about cloves. Today I will be talking about plant physiology and growth. Firstly I will explain whether cloves are a C3 or  C4 plant. Secondly I will explain if cloves are annual, biennial or perennial crops.

Are cloves a C3 or C4 plant?

Firstly I will explain what the difference between a C3 and C4 plant is. Most plant types are C3. During the photosynthesis, C3 plants first form a molecule of 3 Carbon and that is why they are called C3. C3 plants work best in climates were water loss is not a problem, this is due to a problem with the enzyme that traps the CO2. This enzyme also reacts with O2, and due to that 50% of the CO2 is lost in the process of photosynthesis. Due to this loss, the stomata needs to stay open for a longer period, and lose water in the process.

C4 plants firstly form a molecule of 4 Carbon and that is why they are called C4. In comparison with the C3 plants, C4 plants do not react with Oxygen, and the stomata do not need to stay open that long, this makes CO2 trapping way more efficient in C4 plants and water loss is prevented. This prevention of water loss makes C4 plants more able to survive in dry regions of the world. (Seddon, 2013)

I could not find direct information about whether cloves are C3 or C4. But following these facts I would classify cloves under the C3 category.

- C4 are drought resistant, and cloves are tropical so definitely not drought resistant.
- Most C4 are grasses, bushes or herbs. Cloves grow on a tree so none of those.
- Lastly I found a source which claims that the only tree with C4 photosynthesis is: Euphorbia. All the other trees (Including cloves) fall under the C3 category.
(Abogadallah, 2014)

Are cloves annual, biennial or perennial?

A plants life cycle can be categorised within 3 groups. These groups are the annuals, biennials and perennials. The difference between these groups are:

- Annuals complete their life cycle in one year or growing season.
- Biennials complete their life cycle in two years or growing seasons.
- Perennials complete their life cycle in three of more years/growing seasons.

Cloves would be classified under perennials. Clove trees can be harvested for the first time after 5 to 7 years and can after that become hundreds years old if taken good care off. This definitely is a perennial. (Watts, 2017)


vrijdag 15 september 2017

Cloves #2

Hello everyone!

Welcome to the second edition of my blog about cloves. Today I will be talking about if cloves are a monocot or a dicot, and I will tell something about the root system of the clovetree.

Monocot or dicot?

Firstly I shall explain the difference between monocots and dicots. The most basic difference between the two are that a monocot has only one seed leaf or cotyledon while a dicot has 2. Next to this there are some other differences between the two, like:

- A monocot has floral parts in threes, while a dicot has floras parts in fours or fives.
- Monocots have parallel leaf veins, while a dicot has netlike leaf veins.
- The pollen grain with monocots have one pore or furrow, and the dicot has three.
- A monocot has vascular bundles throughout the stem's ground tissue, and a dicot has stem's vascular bundles arranged in rings.


The clove tree belongs to the Myrtle family, and due to that cloves are a dicot.

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor Clove seeds
(Clove seedlings) (Tradewinds,2017)

Clove root system
A clove tree, in its first year has a short taproot which is quickly replaced by two or three primary sinkers. Further in the first year fibrous roots spread out, which become much thicker in the following years. Over the years which the tree stands, the roots can extend to a size comparable to the tree's height. (E.A Weis, 2002)

Even though its a combination of the two, I would classify the clovetree with a taproot root system. This is due to trees generally having a taproot system.

(Fibrous roots (b) and taproot (a)) (Ekshiksha,2017)

zondag 10 september 2017

Cloves #1

Hello everyone!

For the blog assignment I have chosen the crop cloves, which is a spice native to The Mollucas, Indonesia. Due to cloves originating from there, and it being the largest producing country, I have chosen the country Indonesia.

Classifying Cloves 
The scientific name of cloves is: Syzygium aromaticum. They belong to the plantea kingdom but also to the sub-kingdoms: Angiosperms, Eudicots and Rosids. Furthermore they belong to the Myrtaceae family and Myrtales order. The Genus they belong to is the Syzygium. The tree is an evergreen which means that the leaves are green troughout the whole year. The cloves itself are also available trough the whole year. ( "Syzygium aromaticum (L.) Merr. & L. M. Perry", 2011)

Cloves, as a spice can be categorised within the medicinal and psychoactive crops. This is due to it being used as a bioactive ingredient (for cooking) but it also has a medical use as a painkiller due to the eugenol within the clove.


The first signs of clove trade was found by archeologists in Syria were a trade vessel was found containing cloves. They expect this was all around 1721 BC. Furthermore there are records of a chinese leader of the Han dynasty who demanded those who spoke to him chewing cloves to freshen their breath.

As mentioned earlier clove trees originate from the spice islands of Indonesia. (Mollucas) The production stayed there untill more modern times allowed people to spread the seeds around the world, and so started growing it on other tropical places. The oldest clove tree is about 350 - 400 years old and is located on Ternate. Due to the high value of cloves and spices in the colonial era the Dutch ofcourse didn't like the seeds to be spread, and so tried to keep a monopoly in the clove trade. (, 2017)

Syzygium aromaticum - Köhler–s Medizinal-Pflanzen-030.jpg