donderdag 4 januari 2018

Cloves #10

Hello everyone!

Today we will be talking about the interesting subject of Cropping Systems, Tillage and Crop Establishment. Firstly I will be talking about whether I would prefer to produce cloves by using monocropping or polyculture. And secondly I will explain what tillage method and equipment would be suitable for clove production.

Monocropping or polyculture?

Before the first harvest can be made the tree has to be 7-8 years old. This is a long time to wait for a farmer, as there is no form of income in this time. So you think a polyculture would bring a possible solution to this problem, as this would provide the farmer with a temporary form of income right? The answer to this is somewhere inbetween. It is perfectly fine to intercrop new plantations with maize and other cereal crops in the first year, the second year is also an option, however this is decided upon looking at the growing procces of the clove tree. (E.A Weis, 2002)

The thing is, that intercropping can damage the superficial root plate of the clove tree, and this can potentionally affect growth and yield in the future. It is recommended to only intercrop low growing annual food and fodder crops in the 3rd and 4th year, but also the 2nd year if the clove tree is getting to big. After the 4th year intercropping should be ceased as explained earlier it could harm the root system. In conclusion I would recommend a polyculture in the first 4 years and from that on a monocropping system. (E.A Weis, 2002)

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor Clove plantation

What tillage method and equipment would be suitable for clove production?

Learning that the root system of the clove tree is very vulnerable I would recommend a no tillage approach. This will not disturb the soil which at first will give a slight decrease in production but will compensate with an increased water holding capacity and infiltration. Next to this, the soil will be more "alive" and flourishing in the future. Before planting I would recommend ploughing by ox pulled or tractor pulled plow. (E.A Weis, 2002)

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